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Journal Article
Wan, Q., Ahmad, M. Faiz, Fairman, J., Gorzelle, B., de la Fuente, M., Dealwis, C., and Maguire, M. E. (2011) X-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry studies of the Salmonella zinc transporter ZntB. Structure. 19, 700-10
Fairman, J. Wesley, Wijerathna, S. Ranjan, Ahmad, M. Faiz, Xu, H., Nakano, R., Jha, S., Prendergast, J., R Welin, M., Flodin, S., Roos, A., Nordlund, P., Li, Z., Walz, T., and Dealwis, C. Godfrey (2011) Structural basis for allosteric regulation of human ribonucleotide reductase by nucleotide-induced oligomerization. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 18, 316-22
Ahmad, M. Faiz, Kaushal, P. Singh, Wan, Q., Wijerathna, S. R., An, X., Huang, M., and Dealwis, C. Godfrey (2012) Role of arginine 293 and glutamine 288 in communication between catalytic and allosteric sites in yeast ribonucleotide reductase. J Mol Biol. 419, 315-29
Ahmad, M. Faiz, Alam, I., Huff, S. E., Pink, J., Flanagan, S. A., Shewach, D., Misko, T. A., Oleinick, N. L., Harte, W. E., Viswanathan, R., Harris, M. E., and Dealwis, C. Godfrey (2017) Potent competitive inhibition of human ribonucleotide reductase by a nonnucleoside small molecule. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114, 8241-8246
Ahmad, M. Faiz, Huff, S. E., Pink, J., Alam, I., Zhang, A., Perry, K., Harris, M. E., Misko, T., Porwal, S. K., Oleinick, N. L., Miyagi, M., Viswanathan, R., and Dealwis, C. Godfrey (2015) Identification of Non-nucleoside Human Ribonucleotide Reductase Modulators. J Med Chem. 58, 9498-509
Ahmad, M. Faiz, Wan, Q., Jha, S., Motea, E., Berdis, A., and Dealwis, C. (2012) Evaluating the therapeutic potential of a non-natural nucleotide that inhibits human ribonucleotide reductase. Mol Cancer Ther. 11, 2077-86