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Rutherford, K., Yuan, P., Perry, K., Sharp, R., and Van Duyne, G. D. (2013) Attachment site recognition and regulation of directionality by the serine integrases. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, 8341-56
Salom, D., Padayatti, P. S., and Palczewski, K. (2013) Chapter 24 - Crystallization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors. in Methods in Cell Biology (P. Conn, M. ed), pp. 451-468, Methods in Cell Biology, Academic Press, Volume 117, 451-468
Salom, D., Padayatti, P. S., and Palczewski, K. (2013) Chapter 24 - Crystallization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors. in Methods in Cell Biology (P. Conn, M. ed), pp. 451-468, Methods in Cell Biology, Academic Press, Volume 117, 451-468
Miallau, L., Jain, P., Arbing, M. A., Cascio, D., Phan, T., Ahn, C. J., Chan, S., Chernishof, I., Maxson, M., Chiang, J., Jacobs, W. R., and Eisenberg, D. S. (2013) Comparative proteomics identifies the cell-associated lethality of M. tuberculosis RelBE-like toxin-antitoxin complexes. Structure. 21, 627-37
Apostol, M. I., Perry, K., and Surewicz, W. K. (2013) Crystal structure of a human prion protein fragment reveals a motif for oligomer formation. J Am Chem Soc. 135, 10202-5
Gao, P., Ascano, M., Wu, Y., Barchet, W., Gaffney, B. L., Zillinger, T., Serganov, A. A., Liu, Y., Jones, R. A., Hartmann, G., Tuschl, T., and Patel, D. J. (2013) Cyclic [G(2',5')pA(3',5')p] is the metazoan second messenger produced by DNA-activated cyclic GMP-AMP synthase. Cell. 153, 1094-107
Kohlway, A., Luo, D., Rawling, D. C., Ding, S. C., and Pyle, A. Marie (2013) Defining the functional determinants for RNA surveillance by RIG-I. EMBO Rep. 14, 772-9
Mielecki, M., Krawiec, K., Kiburu, I., Grzelak, K., Zagórski, W., Kierdaszuk, B., Kowa, K., Fokt, I., Szymanski, S., Swierk, P., Szeja, W., Priebe, W., Lesyng, B., and LaRonde-LeBlanc, N. (2013) Development of novel molecular probes of the Rio1 atypical protein kinase. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1834, 1292-301
Yu, Y., Zhu, J., Huang, P. - S., Wang, J. -huai, Pullen, N., and Springer, T. A. (2013) Domain 1 of mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule has an I1-set fold and a flexible integrin-binding loop. J Biol Chem. 288, 6284-94
Nakanishi, K., Ascano, M., Gogakos, T., Ishibe-Murakami, S., Serganov, A. A., Briskin, D., Morozov, P., Tuschl, T., and Patel, D. J. (2013) Eukaryote-specific insertion elements control human ARGONAUTE slicer activity. Cell Rep. 3, 1893-900
Avital-Shmilovici, M., Mandal, K., Gates, Z. P., Phillips, N. B., Weiss, M. A., and Kent, S. B. H. (2013) Fully convergent chemical synthesis of ester insulin: determination of the high resolution X-ray structure by racemic protein crystallography. J Am Chem Soc. 135, 3173-85
Cao, Y., Pan, Y., Huang, H., Jin, X., Levin, E. J., Kloss, B., and Zhou, M. (2013) Gating of the TrkH ion channel by its associated RCK protein TrkA. Nature. 496, 317-22
Lavoie, H., Thevakumaran, N., Gavory, G., Li, J. J., Padeganeh, A., Guiral, S., Duchaine, J., Mao, D. Y. L., Bouvier, M., Sicheri, F., and Therrien, M. (2013) Inhibitors that stabilize a closed RAF kinase domain conformation induce dimerization. Nat Chem Biol. 9, 428-36
Brewer, M. Red, Yun, C. -hong, Lai, D., Lemmon, M. A., Eck, M. J., and Pao, W. (2013) Mechanism for activation of mutated epidermal growth factor receptors in lung cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, E3595-604
Kamadurai, H. B., Qiu, Y., Deng, A., Harrison, J. S., Macdonald, C., Actis, M., Rodrigues, P., Miller, D. J., Souphron, J., Lewis, S. M., Kurinov, I., Fujii, N., Hammel, M., Piper, R., Kuhlman, B., and Schulman, B. A. (2013) Mechanism of ubiquitin ligation and lysine prioritization by a HECT E3. Elife. 2, e00828
Ji, Q., Zhang, L., Jones, M. B., Sun, F., Deng, X., Liang, H., Cho, H., Brugarolas, P., Gao, Y. N., Peterson, S. N., Lan, L., Bae, T., and He, C. (2013) Molecular mechanism of quinone signaling mediated through S-quinonization of a YodB family repressor QsrR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 5010-5
Yang, H., Rudge, D. G., Koos, J. D., Vaidialingam, B., Yang, H. J., and Pavletich, N. P. (2013) mTOR kinase structure, mechanism and regulation. Nature. 497, 217-23
Simanshu, D. K., Kamlekar, R. Kanth, Wijesinghe, D. S., Zou, X., Zhai, X., Mishra, S. K., Molotkovsky, J. G., Malinina, L., Hinchcliffe, E. H., Chalfant, C. E., Brown, R. E., and Patel, D. J. (2013) Non-vesicular trafficking by a ceramide-1-phosphate transfer protein regulates eicosanoids. Nature. 500, 463-7
Marcia, M., Somarowthu, S., and Pyle, A. Marie (2013) Now on display: a gallery of group II intron structures at different stages of catalysis. Mob DNA. 4, 14
Nguyen, J. B., Pool, C. D., Wong, C. Y. B., Treger, R. S., Williams, D. L., Cappello, M., Lea, W. A., Simeonov, A., Vermeire, J. J., and Modis, Y. (2013) Peroxiredoxin-1 from the human hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum forms a stable oxidized decamer and is covalently inhibited by conoidin A. Chem Biol. 20, 991-1001
