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Liew, J. J. M., Saudi, I. M. El, Nguyen, S. V., Wicht, D. K., and Dowling, D. P. (2021) Structures of the alkanesulfonate monooxygenase MsuD provide insight into C-S bond cleavage, substrate scope, and an unexpected role for the tetramer. J Biol Chem. 297, 100823
Dowling, D. P., Gattis, S. G., Fierke, C. A., and Christianson, D. W. (2010) Structures of metal-substituted human histone deacetylase 8 provide mechanistic inferences on biological function . Biochemistry. 49, 5048-56
Soule, J., Gnann, A. D., Gonzalez, R., Parker, M. J., McKenna, K. C., Nguyen, S. V., Phan, N. T., Wicht, D. K., and Dowling, D. P. (2019) Structure and function of the two-component flavin-dependent methanesulfinate monooxygenase within bacterial sulfur assimilation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.11.008
Dowling, D. P., Gantt, S. L., Gattis, S. G., Fierke, C. A., and Christianson, D. W. (2008) Structural studies of human histone deacetylase 8 and its site-specific variants complexed with substrate and inhibitors. Biochemistry. 47, 13554-63
Dowling, D. P., Kung, Y., Croft, A. K., Taghizadeh, K., Kelly, W. L., Walsh, C. T., and Drennan, C. L. (2016) Structural elements of an NRPS cyclization domain and its intermodule docking domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113, 12432-12437
Gonzalez, R., Soule, J., Phan, N., Wicht, D. K., and Dowling, D. P. (2024) Structural, biophysical, and biochemical insights into C-S bond cleavage by dimethylsulfone monooxygenase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 121, e2401858121