
Found 2732 results
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Porter, N. J., Shen, S., Barinka, C., Kozikowski, A. P., and Christianson, D. W. (2018) Molecular Basis for the Selective Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase 6 by a Mercaptoacetamide Inhibitor. ACS Med Chem Lett. 9, 1301-1305
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Price, I. R., Gaballa, A., Ding, F., Helmann, J. D., and Ke, A. (2015) Mn(2+)-sensing mechanisms of yybP-ykoY orphan riboswitches. Mol Cell. 57, 1110-1123
Priest, J. M., Nichols, E. L., Smock, R. G., Hopkins, J. B., Mendoza, J. L., Meijers, R., Shen, K., and zkan, E. Ö. (2024) Structural insights into the formation of repulsive netrin guidance complexes. Sci Adv. 10, eadj8083
Profeta, G. S., Reis, C. V. Dos, Santiago, Ada S., Godoi, P. H. C., Fala, A. M., Wells, C. I., Sartori, R., Salmazo, A. P. T., Ramos, P. Z., Massirer, K. B., Elkins, J. M., Drewry, D. H., Gileadi, O., and Couñago, R. M. (2019) Binding and structural analyses of potent inhibitors of the human Ca/calmodulin dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CAMKK2) identified from a collection of commercially-available kinase inhibitors. Sci Rep. 9, 16452
Prucha, G. R., Henry, S., Hollander, K., Carter, Z. J., Spasov, K. A., Jorgensen, W. L., and Anderson, K. S. (2023) Covalent and noncovalent strategies for targeting Lys102 in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. Eur J Med Chem. 262, 115894
Pruitt, R. N., Chumbler, N. M., Rutherford, S. A., Farrow, M. A., Friedman, D. B., Spiller, B., and D Lacy, B. (2012) Structural determinants of Clostridium difficile toxin A glucosyltransferase activity. J Biol Chem. 287, 8013-20
Puleo, D. E., Kucera, K., Hammarén, H. M., Ungureanu, D., Newton, A. S., Silvennoinen, O., Jorgensen, W. L., and Schlessinger, J. (2017) Identification and Characterization of JAK2 Pseudokinase Domain Small Molecule Binders. ACS Med Chem Lett. 8, 618-621
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