
Found 2776 results
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Geldenhuys, W. J., Long, T. E., Saralkar, P., Iwasaki, T., Nuñez, R. A. A., Nair, R. R., Konkle, M. E., Menze, M. A., Pinti, M. V., Hollander, J. M., Hazlehurst, L. A., and Robart, A. R. (2019) Crystal structure of the mitochondrial protein mitoNEET bound to a benze-sulfonide ligand. Communications Chemistry. 2, 77
Geiger, T., Lara-Tejero, M., Xiong, Y., and Galán, J. E. (2020) Mechanisms of substrate recognition by a typhoid toxin secretion-associated muramidase. Elife. 10.7554/eLife.53473
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Garnham, C. P., Vemu, A., Wilson-Kubalek, E. M., Yu, I., Szyk, A., Lander, G. C., Milligan, R. A., and Roll-Mecak, A. (2015) Multivalent Microtubule Recognition by Tubulin Tyrosine Ligase-like Family Glutamylases. Cell. 161, 1112-1123
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Gareau, J. R., Reverter, D., and Lima, C. D. (2012) Determinants of small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 (SUMO1) protein specificity, E3 ligase, and SUMO-RanGAP1 binding activities of nucleoporin RanBP2. J Biol Chem. 287, 4740-51
Garcha, H. Kaur, Nawar, N., Sorger, H., Erdogan, F., Aung, M. Myat Khine, Sedighi, A., Manaswiyoungkul, P., Seo, H. - S., Schönefeldt, S., Pölöske, D., Dhe-Paganon, S., Neubauer, H. A., Mustjoki, S. M., Herling, M., de Araujo, E. D., Moriggl, R., and Gunning, P. T. (2022) High Efficacy and Drug Synergy of HDAC6-Selective Inhibitor NN-429 in Natural Killer (NK)/T-Cell Lymphoma. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 10.3390/ph15111321
Gao, P., Ascano, M., Wu, Y., Barchet, W., Gaffney, B. L., Zillinger, T., Serganov, A. A., Liu, Y., Jones, R. A., Hartmann, G., Tuschl, T., and Patel, D. J. (2013) Cyclic [G(2',5')pA(3',5')p] is the metazoan second messenger produced by DNA-activated cyclic GMP-AMP synthase. Cell. 153, 1094-107
Gao, L., Lam, K. - H., Liu, S., Przykopanski, A., Lübke, J., Qi, R., Krüger, M., Nowakowska, M. B., Selby, K., Douillard, F. P., Dorner, M. B., Perry, K., Lindström, M., Dorner, B. G., Rummel, A., and Jin, R. (2023) Crystal structures of OrfX1, OrfX2 and the OrfX1-OrfX3 complex from the orfX gene cluster of botulinum neurotoxin E1. FEBS Lett. 597, 524-537
Gao, J., Ha, B. Hak, Lou, H. Jane, Morse, E. M., Zhang, R., Calderwood, D. A., Turk, B. E., and Boggon, T. J. (2013) Substrate and inhibitor specificity of the type II p21-activated kinase, PAK6. PLoS One. 8, e77818
Gao, L., Guo, Y., Biswal, M., Lu, J., Yin, J., Fang, J., Chen, X., Shao, Z., Huang, M., Wang, Y., Wang, G. Greg, and Song, J. (2022) Structure of DNMT3B homo-oligomer reveals vulnerability to impairment by ICF mutations. Nat Commun. 13, 4249
Gao, P., Zillinger, T., Wang, W., Ascano, M., Dai, P., Hartmann, G., Tuschl, T., Deng, L., Barchet, W., and Patel, D. J. (2014) Binding-pocket and lid-region substitutions render human STING sensitive to the species-specific drug DMXAA. Cell Rep. 8, 1668-1676
Gao, A., Vasilyev, N., Kaushik, A., Duan, W., and Serganov, A. (2020) Principles of RNA and nucleotide discrimination by the RNA processing enzyme RppH. Nucleic Acids Res. 10.1093/nar/gkaa024
Gao, P., Yang, H., Rajashankar, K. R., Huang, Z., and Patel, D. J. (2016) Type V CRISPR-Cas Cpf1 endonuclease employs a unique mechanism for crRNA-mediated target DNA recognition. Cell Res. 26, 901-13
Gao, A., and Serganov, A. (2014) Structural insights into recognition of c-di-AMP by the ydaO riboswitch. Nat Chem Biol. 10, 787-92
Gao, A., Vasilyev, N., Luciano, D. J., Levenson-Palmer, R., Richards, J., Marsiglia, W. M., Traaseth, N. J., Belasco, J. G., and Serganov, A. (2018) Structural and kinetic insights into stimulation of RppH-dependent RNA degradation by the metabolic enzyme DapF. Nucleic Acids Res. 10.1093/nar/gky327
Gao, T., Cho, E. - A., Zhang, P., and Wu, J. (2023) Inhibition of talin-induced integrin activation by a double-hit stapled peptide. Structure. 31, 948-957.e3
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Gao, P., Ascano, M., Zillinger, T., Wang, W., Dai, P., Serganov, A. A., Gaffney, B. L., Shuman, S., Jones, R. A., Deng, L., Hartmann, G., Barchet, W., Tuschl, T., and Patel, D. J. (2013) Structure-function analysis of STING activation by c[G(2',5')pA(3',5')p] and targeting by antiviral DMXAA. Cell. 154, 748-62
Gantt, S. M. Lucy, Decroos, C., Lee, M. S., Gullett, L. E., Bowman, C. M., Christianson, D. W., and Fierke, C. A. (2016) General Base-General Acid Catalysis in Human Histone Deacetylase 8. Biochemistry. 55, 820-32
Gannam, Z. T. K., Min, K., Shillingford, S. R., Zhang, L., Herrington, J., Abriola, L., Gareiss, P. C., Pantouris, G., Tzouvelekis, A., Kaminski, N., Zhang, X., Yu, J., Jamali, H., Ellman, J. A., Lolis, E., Anderson, K. S., and Bennett, A. M. (2020) An allosteric site on MKP5 reveals a strategy for small-molecule inhibition. Sci Signal. 10.1126/scisignal.aba3043
Gannam, Z. T. K., Jamali, H., Kweon, O. Sang, Herrington, J., Shillingford, S. R., Papini, C., Gentzel, E., Lolis, E., Bennett, A. M., Ellman, J. A., and Anderson, K. S. (2022) Defining the structure-activity relationship for a novel class of allosteric MKP5 inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem. 243, 114712
