High Data-Rate MX Meeting
The purpose of the High Data-Rate MX (HDRMX) Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) from May 26-28, 2016 is to discuss the changes software developers are making to data processing and beamline specific programs to handle the HDF5 format, as well as network and data storage infrastructure required to handle the high data rate.
Due to limited attendance space available at BNL, Jon Schuermann (NE-CAT) decided to host a satellite video conference of the meeting at APS to allow other beamline personnel to contribute to the discussions. As a result, personnel from NE-CAT, GMCA-CAT, IMCA-CAT, LS-CAT, SBC-CAT and SER-CAT all participated in the HDRMX meeting and were able to contribute to the future development of the HDF5 format within the crystallographic community.