
Found 2776 results
Avital-Shmilovici, M., Mandal, K., Gates, Z. P., Phillips, N. B., Weiss, M. A., and Kent, S. B. H. (2013) Fully convergent chemical synthesis of ester insulin: determination of the high resolution X-ray structure by racemic protein crystallography. J Am Chem Soc. 135, 3173-85
McCarthy, K. R., Schmidt, A. G., Kirmaier, A., Wyand, A. L., Newman, R. M., and Johnson, W. E. (2013) Gain-of-sensitivity mutations in a Trim5-resistant primary isolate of pathogenic SIV identify two independent conserved determinants of Trim5α specificity.. PLoS Pathog. 9, e1003352
Cao, Y., Pan, Y., Huang, H., Jin, X., Levin, E. J., Kloss, B., and Zhou, M. (2013) Gating of the TrkH ion channel by its associated RCK protein TrkA. Nature. 496, 317-22
Chae, P. Seok, Rana, R. R., Gotfryd, K., Rasmussen, S. G. F., Kruse, A. C., Cho, K. Ho, Capaldi, S., Carlsson, E., Kobilka, B., Loland, C. J., Gether, U., Banerjee, S., Byrne, B., Lee, J. K., and Gellman, S. H. (2013) Glucose-neopentyl glycol (GNG) amphiphiles for membrane protein study. Chem Commun (Camb). 49, 2287-9
Wang, F., Li, G., Altaf, M., Lu, C., Currie, M. A., Johnson, A., and Moazed, D. (2013) Heterochromatin protein Sir3 induces contacts between the amino terminus of histone H4 and nucleosomal DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 8495-500
Arbing, M. A., Chan, S., Harris, L., Kuo, E., Zhou, T. T., Ahn, C. J., Nguyen, L., He, Q., Lu, J., Menchavez, P. T., Shin, A., Holton, T., Sawaya, M. R., Cascio, D., and Eisenberg, D. (2013) Heterologous expression of mycobacterial Esx complexes in Escherichia coli for structural studies is facilitated by the use of maltose binding protein fusions. PLoS One. 8, e81753
Hinshaw, S. M., and Harrison, S. C. (2013) An Iml3-Chl4 heterodimer links the core centromere to factors required for accurate chromosome segregation. Cell Rep. 5, 29-36
Ahmed, M., Goldgur, Y., Hu, J., Guo, H. - F., and Cheung, N. - K. V. (2013) In silico driven redesign of a clinically relevant antibody for the treatment of GD2 positive tumors. PLoS One. 8, e63359
Lavoie, H., Thevakumaran, N., Gavory, G., Li, J. J., Padeganeh, A., Guiral, S., Duchaine, J., Mao, D. Y. L., Bouvier, M., Sicheri, F., and Therrien, M. (2013) Inhibitors that stabilize a closed RAF kinase domain conformation induce dimerization. Nat Chem Biol. 9, 428-36
Eiler, D., Lin, J., Simonetti, A., Klaholz, B. P., and Steitz, T. A. (2013) Initiation factor 2 crystal structure reveals a different domain organization from eukaryotic initiation factor 5B and mechanism among translational GTPases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 15662-7
Lomakin, I. B., and Steitz, T. A. (2013) The initiation of mammalian protein synthesis and mRNA scanning mechanism. Nature. 500, 307-11
Xu, K., Tzvetkova-Robev, D., Xu, Y., Goldgur, Y., Chan, Y. - P., Himanen, J. P., and Nikolov, D. B. (2013) Insights into Eph receptor tyrosine kinase activation from crystal structures of the EphA4 ectodomain and its complex with ephrin-A5. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 14634-9
Zhu, W., Haile, A. M., Singh, R. K., Larson, J. D., Smithen, D., Chan, J. Y., Tanner, J. J., and Becker, D. F. (2013) Involvement of the β3-α3 loop of the proline dehydrogenase domain in allosteric regulation of membrane association of proline utilization A.. Biochemistry. 52, 4482-91
Ketkar, A., Zafar, M. K., Maddukuri, L., Yamanaka, K., Banerjee, S., Egli, M., Choi, J. - Y., R Lloyd, S., and Eoff, R. L. (2013) Leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitor MK886 impedes DNA polymerase activity. Chem Res Toxicol. 26, 221-32
Rivkin, E., Almeida, S. M., Ceccarelli, D. F., Juang, Y. - C., MacLean, T. A., Srikumar, T., Huang, H., Dunham, W. H., Fukumura, R., Xie, G., Gondo, Y., Raught, B., Gingras, A. - C., Sicheri, F., and Cordes, S. P. (2013) The linear ubiquitin-specific deubiquitinase gumby regulates angiogenesis. Nature. 498, 318-24
Bryk, R., Arango, N., Maksymiuk, C., Balakrishnan, A., Wu, Y. - T., Wong, C. - H., Masquelin, T., Hipskind, P., Lima, C. D., and Nathan, C. (2013) Lipoamide channel-binding sulfonamides selectively inhibit mycobacterial lipoamide dehydrogenase. Biochemistry. 52, 9375-84
Subramanian, R., Ti, S. - C., Tan, L., Darst, S. A., and Kapoor, T. M. (2013) Marking and measuring single microtubules by PRC1 and kinesin-4. Cell. 154, 377-90
Brewer, M. Red, Yun, C. -hong, Lai, D., Lemmon, M. A., Eck, M. J., and Pao, W. (2013) Mechanism for activation of mutated epidermal growth factor receptors in lung cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, E3595-604
Liu, W., Draheim, K. M., Zhang, R., Calderwood, D. A., and Boggon, T. J. (2013) Mechanism for KRIT1 release of ICAP1-mediated suppression of integrin activation. Mol Cell. 49, 719-29
Ji, X., Wu, Y., Yan, J., Mehrens, J., Yang, H., DeLucia, M., Hao, C., Gronenborn, A. M., Skowronski, J., Ahn, J., and Xiong, Y. (2013) Mechanism of allosteric activation of SAMHD1 by dGTP. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 20, 1304-9
Kamadurai, H. B., Qiu, Y., Deng, A., Harrison, J. S., Macdonald, C., Actis, M., Rodrigues, P., Miller, D. J., Souphron, J., Lewis, S. M., Kurinov, I., Fujii, N., Hammel, M., Piper, R., Kuhlman, B., and Schulman, B. A. (2013) Mechanism of ubiquitin ligation and lysine prioritization by a HECT E3. Elife. 2, e00828
Sydor, A. M., Jost, M., Ryan, K. S., Turo, K. E., Douglas, C. D., Drennan, C. L., and Zamble, D. B. (2013) Metal binding properties of Escherichia coli YjiA, a member of the metal homeostasis-associated COG0523 family of GTPases. Biochemistry. 52, 1788-1801
Yin, Q., Sester, D. P., Tian, Y., Hsiao, Y. - S., Lu, A., Cridland, J. A., Sagulenko, V., Thygesen, S. J., Choubey, D., Hornung, V., Walz, T., Stacey, K. J., and Wu, H. (2013) Molecular mechanism for p202-mediated specific inhibition of AIM2 inflammasome activation. Cell Rep. 4, 327-39
Ji, Q., Zhang, L., Jones, M. B., Sun, F., Deng, X., Liang, H., Cho, H., Brugarolas, P., Gao, Y. N., Peterson, S. N., Lan, L., Bae, T., and He, C. (2013) Molecular mechanism of quinone signaling mediated through S-quinonization of a YodB family repressor QsrR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110, 5010-5
Yang, H., Rudge, D. G., Koos, J. D., Vaidialingam, B., Yang, H. J., and Pavletich, N. P. (2013) mTOR kinase structure, mechanism and regulation. Nature. 497, 217-23
