Puck Set and Tools
Both ALS-Style Pucks and Uni-Pucks can be used in the NE-CAT Robot Automounter. ALS-Style Pucks are preferred. Uni-Pucks are allowed but result in higher sample loss. The increased magnetic surface inherent in Uni-Pucks results in an increased inability to properly separate sample from the magnetic base. This causes puck movement and failure of samples to be returned to the puck.
ALS-Style Cryo Pucks
V1 Uni-Puck
Shipping Cane
SAM Tools available from Crystal Positioning Systems
Crystal Positioning Systems
29 Stafford Street
Jamestown, NY 14701
(716) 483-3276
(716) 483-0018 (fax)
imfinc@windstream.net (email)
Qty. | Part # | Item | Price/Each (USD) | |
1 | CP-111-030 | Bent Cryo Tong | 130 | 130 |
1 | CP-111-027 | Puck Dewar Loading Tool aka Puck Pusher | 175 | 175 |
1 | CP-111-026 | Puck Wand | 150 | 150 |
7 | CP-111-021 | Universal V1-Puck | 425 | 2975 |
CP-111-035 | ALS style Puck | Quote | Required | |
1 | CP-111-029 | Shelved Puck Shipping Cane* (ALS-Style) | 1250 | 1250 |
1 | CP-111-028 | Puck Separator Tools (aka Puck Separator and Base Support) | 350 | 350 |
Total | 5030 |
*Shipping cane for CXR100 Dry Shipper or 34HC storage dewar.
*Support Washer (91117A243), as seen in puck shipping kit, can be obtained from McMaster-Carr.
Puck Shipping Kit
NE-CAT has ALS-Style Pucks and Tools available for loan on-site and a limited number of pucks can also be shipped to users. Please read our Puck Loan Policy if you are interested in borrowing pucks. To have pucks shipped to you for sample loading at home, contact Surajit Banerjee. You may also contact an NE-CAT Staff Scientist to discuss using our pucks and tools.