
New Technologies for MX Beamlines

Flyer for MX Meeting

Serving the future of structural biology: new technologies for MX beamlines

NE-CAT will be hosting this meeting on February 13, 2019.  Registration can be made at

Registration required for access to workshop lunch.

Complete speaker list: Matthew Bowler (EMBL, Grenoble), Gwyndaf Evans (Diamond), Kunio Hirata (SPRing-8), Sean McSweeney (NSLS-II), Alke Meents (DESY), Max Nanao (ESRF), Didier Nurrizo (ESRF), Nick Sauter (LBNL), Wuxian Shi (NSLS-II), Meitian Wang (SLS).

Phenix Workshop

Together with SBGrid, NE-CAT hosted a Phenix Workshop at Harvard Medical School from November 10-11, 2016.  The 1.5 day workshop covered topics in experimental phasing, automated model building, and real space refinement.  More information on the workshop can be found on its website.

High Data-Rate MX Meeting

The purpose of the High Data-Rate MX (HDRMX) Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) from May 26-28, 2016 is to discuss the changes software developers are making to data processing and beamline specific programs to handle the HDF5 format, as well as network and data storage infrastructure required to handle the high data rate.


Membrane Protein Structure 2015 Meeting

From April 9 – 12, 2015, the Membrane Protein Structures 2015 Meeting was held at the APS. NE-CAT joined the groups from UCSF, USCLA, AECOM, ANL and NIGMS to organize the meeting. This two and a half day symposium featured workshops, talks and posters focused on the technological developments in structure determination of membrane proteins and to highlight recent results. A full schedule of the events and workshops can be found at the meeting’s website.

