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Lu-Culligan, W. J., Connor, L. J., Xie, Y., Ekundayo, B. E., Rose, B. T., Machyna, M., Pintado-Urbanc, A. P., Zimmer, J. T., Vock, I. W., Bhanu, N. V., King, M. C., Garcia, B. A., Bleichert, F., and Simon, M. D. (2023) Acetyl-methyllysine marks chromatin at active transcription start sites. Nature. 622, 173-179
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Li, Z., Wang, S., Nattermann, U., Bera, A. K., Borst, A. J., Yaman, M. Y., Bick, M. J., Yang, E. C., Sheffler, W., Lee, B., Seifert, S., Hura, G. L., Nguyen, H., Kang, A., Dalal, R., Lubner, J. M., Hsia, Y., Haddox, H., Courbet, A., Dowling, Q., Miranda, M., Favor, A., Etemadi, A., Edman, N. I., Yang, W., Weidle, C., Sankaran, B., Negahdari, B., Ross, M. B., Ginger, D. S., and Baker, D. (2023) Accurate computational design of three-dimensional protein crystals. Nat Mater. 10.1038/s41563-023-01683-1
Liu, Y., Esyunina, D., Olovnikov, I., Teplova, M., Kulbachinskiy, A., Aravin, A. A., and Patel, D. J. (2018) Accommodation of Helical Imperfections in Rhodobacter sphaeroides Argonaute Ternary Complexes with Guide RNA and Target DNA. Cell Rep. 24, 453-462
Silvaroli, J. A., Widjaja-Adhi, M. Airanthi K., Trischman, T., Chelstowska, S., Horwitz, S., Banerjee, S., Kiser, P. D., Blaner, W. S., and Golczak, M. (2019) Abnormal Cannabidiol Modulates Vitamin A Metabolism by Acting as a Competitive Inhibitor of CRBP1. ACS Chem Biol. 10.1021/acschembio.8b01070
Cao, Y., Qiu, T., Kathayat, R. S., Azizi, S. - A., Thorne, A. K., Ahn, D., Fukata, Y., Fukata, M., Rice, P. A., and Dickinson, B. C. (2019) ABHD10 is an S-depalmitoylase affecting redox homeostasis through peroxiredoxin-5. Nat Chem Biol. 15, 1232-1240
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