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Crystal structures of truncated alphaA and alphaB crystallins reveal structural mechanisms of polydispersity important for eye lens function. Protein Sci. 19, 1031-43
(2010) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of rat autotaxin. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 66, 1127-9
(2010) Crystallographic studies of prion protein (PrP) segments suggest how structural changes encoded by polymorphism at residue 129 modulate susceptibility to human prion disease. J Biol Chem. 285, 29671-5
(2010) (2010) Determination of the X-ray structure of the snake venom protein omwaprin by total chemical synthesis and racemic protein crystallography. Protein Sci. 19, 1840-9
(2010) Diphthamide biosynthesis requires an organic radical generated by an iron-sulphur enzyme. Nature. 465, 891-6
(2010) Distinct conformational states of HIV-1 gp41 are recognized by neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 17, 1486-91
(2010) A domain insertion in Escherichia coli GyrB adopts a novel fold that plays a critical role in gyrase function. Nucleic Acids Res. 38, 7830-44
(2010) Domain organization in Candida glabrata THI6, a bifunctional enzyme required for thiamin biosynthesis in eukaryotes. Biochemistry. 49, 9922-34
(2010) (2010) Elongated fibrillar structure of a streptococcal adhesin assembled by the high-affinity association of alpha- and PPII-helices. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107, 5983-8
(2010) The Fas-FADD death domain complex structure reveals the basis of DISC assembly and disease mutations. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 17, 1324-9
(2010) Flavonol activation defines an unanticipated ligand-binding site in the kinase-RNase domain of IRE1. Mol Cell. 38, 291-304
(2010) Functional and structural analysis of a key region of the cell wall inhibitor moenomycin. ACS Chem Biol. 5, 701-11
(2010) (2010) (2010) Hemoglobin redux: combining neutron and X-ray diffraction with mass spectrometry to analyse the quaternary state of oxidized hemoglobins. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 66, 1249-56
(2010) High-resolution crystal structures of Streptococcus pneumoniae nicotinamidase with trapped intermediates provide insights into the catalytic mechanism and inhibition by aldehydes . Biochemistry. 49, 8803-12
(2010) HMP binding protein ThiY and HMP-P synthase THI5 are structural homologues. Biochemistry. 49, 8929-36
(2010) Human DNA ligase III recognizes DNA ends by dynamic switching between two DNA-bound states. Biochemistry. 49, 6165-76
(2010) Identification of a hypothetical protein from Podospora anserina as a nitroalkane oxidase. Biochemistry. 49, 5035-41
(2010) (2010) Insights into antiparallel microtubule crosslinking by PRC1, a conserved nonmotor microtubule binding protein. Cell. 142, 433-43
(2010) Interconversion of the specificities of human lysosomal enzymes associated with Fabry and Schindler diseases. J Biol Chem. 285, 21560-6
(2010) A joint x-ray and neutron study on amicyanin reveals the role of protein dynamics in electron transfer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107, 6817-22