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Golden, B. L., Kim, H., and Chase, E. (2005) Crystal structure of a phage Twort group I ribozyme-product complex. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12, 82-9
Arndt, J. W., Schwarzenbacher, R., Page, R., Abdubek, P., Ambing, E., Biorac, T., Canaves, J. M., Chiu, H. - J., Dai, X., Deacon, A. M., DiDonato, M., Elsliger, M. - A., Godzik, A., Grittini, C., Grzechnik, S. K., Hale, J., Hampton, E., Han, G. Won, Haugen, J., Hornsby, M., Klock, H. E., Koesema, E., Kreusch, A., Kuhn, P., Jaroszewski, L., Lesley, S. A., Levin, I., McMullan, D., McPhillips, T. M., Miller, M. D., Morse, A., Moy, K., Nigoghossian, E., Ouyang, J., Peti, W. S., Quijano, K., Reyes, R., Sims, E., Spraggon, G., Stevens, R. C., van den Bedem, H., Velasquez, J., Vincent, J., von Delft, F., Wang, X., West, B., White, A., Wolf, G., Xu, Q., Zagnitko, O., Hodgson, K. O., Wooley, J., and Wilson, I. A. (2005) Crystal structure of an alpha/beta serine hydrolase (YDR428C) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 1.85 A resolution. Proteins. 58, 755-8
Deaconescu, A. M., and Darst, S. A. (2005) Crystallization and preliminary structure determination of Escherichia coli Mfd, the transcription-repair coupling factor. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 61, 1062-4
Zang, Y., Wang, W. - H., Wu, S. - W., Ealick, S. E., and Wang, C. C. (2005) Identification of a subversive substrate of Trichomonas vaginalis purine nucleoside phosphorylase and the crystal structure of the enzyme-substrate complex. J Biol Chem. 280, 22318-25
Wei, H., Ruthenburg, A. J., Bechis, S. K., and Verdine, G. L. (2005) Nucleotide-dependent domain movement in the ATPase domain of a human type IIA DNA topoisomerase. J Biol Chem. 280, 37041-7
Sukumar, N., Langan, P., Mathews, F. S., Jones, L. H., Thiyagarajan, P., Schoenborn, B. P., and Davidson, V. L. (2005) A preliminary time-of-flight neutron diffraction study on amicyanin from Paracoccus denitrificans. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 61, 640-2
Bolon, D. N., Grant, R. A., Baker, T. A., and Sauer, R. T. (2005) Specificity versus stability in computational protein design. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102, 12724-9
Wilker, E. W., Grant, R. A., Artim, S. C., and Yaffe, M. B. (2005) A structural basis for 14-3-3sigma functional specificity. J Biol Chem. 280, 18891-8
Bu, W., Settembre, E. C., Kouni, M. H. el, and Ealick, S. E. (2005) Structural basis for inhibition of Escherichia coli uridine phosphorylase by 5-substituted acyclouridines. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 61, 863-72
Hao, B., Zheng, N., Schulman, B. A., Wu, G., Miller, J. J., Pagano, M., and Pavletich, N. P. (2005) Structural basis of the Cks1-dependent recognition of p27(Kip1) by the SCF(Skp2) ubiquitin ligase. Mol Cell. 20, 9-19
Toms, A. V., Haas, A. L., Park, J. - H., Begley, T. P., and Ealick, S. E. (2005) Structural characterization of the regulatory proteins TenA and TenI from Bacillus subtilis and identification of TenA as a thiaminase II. Biochemistry. 44, 2319-29
Higgins, L. J., Yan, F., Liu, P., Liu, H. -wen, and Drennan, C. L. (2005) Structural insight into antibiotic fosfomycin biosynthesis by a mononuclear iron enzyme. Nature. 437, 838-44
Zhang, Y., Colabroy, K. L., Begley, T. P., and Ealick, S. E. (2005) Structural studies on 3-hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-dioxygenase: the catalytic mechanism of a complex oxidation involved in NAD biosynthesis. Biochemistry. 44, 7632-43
Rubin, S. M., Gall, A. - L., Zheng, N., and Pavletich, N. P. (2005) Structure of the Rb C-terminal domain bound to E2F1-DP1: a mechanism for phosphorylation-induced E2F release. Cell. 123, 1093-106
Thomä, N. H., Czyzewski, B. K., Alexeev, A. A., Mazin, A. V., Kowalczykowski, S. C., and Pavletich, N. P. (2005) Structure of the SWI2/SNF2 chromatin-remodeling domain of eukaryotic Rad54. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12, 350-6
Misaghi, S., Galardy, P. J., Meester, W. J. N., Ovaa, H., Ploegh, H. L., and Gaudet, R. (2005) Structure of the ubiquitin hydrolase UCH-L3 complexed with a suicide substrate. J Biol Chem. 280, 1512-20
Dong, G., Hutagalung, A. H., Fu, C., Novick, P., and Reinisch, K. M. (2005) The structures of exocyst subunit Exo70p and the Exo84p C-terminal domains reveal a common motif. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12, 1094-100
Levchenko, I., Grant, R. A., Flynn, J. M., Sauer, R. T., and Baker, T. A. (2005) Versatile modes of peptide recognition by the AAA+ adaptor protein SspB. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12, 520-5
