
Crystallography Workshop

NE-CAT is pleased to offer our Practical Crystallography Course June 21-23, 2023 at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.  The course will be a three day workshop hosted in conjuction with SBGrid.  We are currently planning for three full days with a break for lunch and potentially an afternoon before the start of the workshop to make sure that computers are properly setup.  Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided.

Speakers at Current and Future Trends in Macromolecular Crystallography Experiments

Malcolm Capel and Frank Murphy will be speaking at "Current and Future Trends in Macromolecular Crystallography Experiments." This workshop is hosted by NSLS-II and will be held virtually March 16-18, 2021. The workshop will be from 12pm - 6pm EST each day.

Malcolm will be speaking in Session I (March 16, 2021).  His talk is entitled, "New endstations at NE-CAT:  MD3UP microdiffractometer and 30 puck ALS-style loader."

Advances in COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Enabled by Structural Biology Research

The emergence of the novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) -- the etiologic agent responsible for the current outbreak of COVID-19 -- mobilized research communities around the world to investigate the virus and the disease at unprecedented speed. To deliver information suitable for the development of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, researchers representing multiple disciplines and institutions quickly initiated broad collaborations, while DOE user facilities provided unlimited access to resources necessary for this research.

Crystallography in the 21st Century: Reflections on Raj Rajashankar

NECAT is hosting a symposium, Crystallography in the 21st Century:  Reflections on Raj Rajashankar, on November 8th at the Italian Acadamy in NYC from 8:30am - 5pm. 

Cost is free, but registration is required.  Flier is attached for more details! 

Register now, deadline is Nov. 1st  --!
